Huwebes, Hulyo 23, 2015

Levels of Teaching Task

                          In the formal classroom setting the task of teaching carried out by the teacher along with his pupils.

Bigge (1967)
-        According to him, can be performed at various levels ranging from the least thoughtful to the most thoughtful behavior or mode of action.

Psychologists and Educationists
-         Have clearly identified three such levels of teaching learning act , namely
i.                 Memory Level
ii.               Understanding Level
iii.              Reflective Level

·       Hierarchal order of the levels of teaching

Memory Level of Teaching

“which supposedly embraces committing factual materials to memory and nothing else.”
Morris L. Bigge

Teaching-learning act at the memory level represents the involvement of the least thoughtful behavior. In such type of act memory plays a key role. The teacher represents the factual information before the learner. The learner tries to mug up the least involvement of his thinking and reasoning power without any care of the understanding of their meaning and application.

Underlying Psychological Theories and Ideas
-        Memory-level teaching is influenced by the following psychological theories and ideas:
1.)   The theory of mental faculty or mental discipline.
2.)   The Herbartian theory of apperception
3.)   The Thorndike’s connectionism
4.)   The Theory of conditioning.

-        The teaching act performed at the memory level is confined to achieve the knowledge
Objective in the following way:
1.)    Acquisition of the presented facts through rote learning
2.)    Retention and reproduction of the acquired factual information as and when needed.

Nature of the subject-matter and its Presentation
-        Memory level teaching is predominantly subject centered. Its sole objective is effective memorization of the presented material by the learner.
-        It should carefully attend to the quality of presented material and its way of presentation  it should be elected very judiciously, presented in a very systematic manner and definite as well as fixed order to facilitate its proper retention and easy recall.

The Role of the Teacher
-        Teacher plays a very dominant and authoritarian role in the memory level teaching. It is he who he decides about the methodology for the presentation of the subject material before the learner.
-        He organizes and systematizes the presented material, presents it merely through his initiatives. In this way, teaching-learning process becomes too much teacher centered at the memory level teaching.

The Role of the Learner
-        The learner has a passive role in the memory level of teaching. His mind is considered as a big storehouse of information or knowledge regarding the various subjects.
-        The teacher pours knowledge and he is there to receive it through mechanical memorization.

Nature of Motivation
-        As the students play the passive role in the teaching act performed at the memory level, the nature of their motivation is largely extrinsic.

The Methods Employed
-        The methods employed at the memory level are exclusively teacher centered or subject centered rather than the learner or situation centered. Consequently, these are mostly non-psychological in nature.

The Testing Devices Used
-        The teaching learning at the memory level is primarily designed for attaining the knowledge objective through the process of mechanical memorization. T prepare the students to have mastery over the subject matter in terms of their adequacy or retaining and reproducing the material presented to them at the time of teaching.

The Merits of Teaching at Memory Level
-        The teaching-learning carried out at the memory level his many advantages.
 These are:
1.)    Such type of teaching-learning may be found to suit the very nature of the small children to a great extent as their memory at the younger age is the rote memory.
2.)    The task carried out at the memory level in the form of acquisition of so many memorized facts prove quite helpful in the teaching-learning activities performed at the understanding and reflective levels.
3.)    The memory of teaching-learning gives full freedom to the teacher for realizing his goal.

The Demerits and Defects of Teaching at Memory Level
-        Teaching-learning at the memory level is denounced on account of its demerits and defects as follows:
1.)    It is carried out at the lowest level of the students thought processes and provides no scope for the development of understanding and other essential cognitive of a student.
2.)    The emphasis here is on the acquisition of factual knowledge imparted by the teacher through rote learning and mechanical memorization.
3.)    Despite the best efforts in such teaching-learning, there is no guarantee of good retention and good reproduction of the memorized material by the learner.
4.)    Since the teaching-learning process is too much dominated and there is no proper interaction, between the teacher and learner it leaves no scope or the proper personality development of the learners.
5.)    The memory level of teaching-learning poses a problem of class control and securing attention of the students for classroom-teaching.
6.)    Here the total burden of handling the teaching-learning process falls on the shoulder of the teacher.

-        With all that what has been said about the defects and demerits of memory level teaching, it should not be interfered that memory level teaching is absurd and useless and therefore should be abandoned. However, things are not as such. For the children at the elementary level, as emphasized earlier, It may prove quite beneficial.

Understanding Level of Teaching
-        Understanding level of teaching represents relatively a high level in the teaching process as compared to memory level. It calls for the use of one’s thought processes and cognitive abilities in the form of reasoning and thinking powers, power of imagination, analysis, etc.

Meaning and Definition
-        In his book, Learning Theory for Teachers, Morris L. Bigge has defined understanding level teaching, the one “that seeks to acquaint and solitary facts-and which shows he use to which the principles may be applied.”
An analysis of the above definitions may reveal the following characteristics of the understanding level teaching:
1.)    It does not stop with the acquisition of facts or information by the students as done at the memory level but takes them ahead for generalizing the rules or principles out of these acquired facts.
2.)    The students can identify the relationship between the individual facts and the principles generalized out of these facts.
3.)    It helps the students use the generalized rules or principles as a tool or instrument in the acquisition of new facts or applying in their practical life.

The Underlying Psychological Theories and Ideas
-        The teaching act at the understanding level is said to involve the following psychological grounds.
1.)    The Herbartian theory of appreciation and its famous Five steps of teaching
i.                 To understand individual facts
ii.                To move from particular facts to generalized principle
iii.               To use generalized principle to acquire new facts
2.)    Theory of insight or gestalt field theory
i.                 To perceive the situation
ii.                To identify the relationship of the common elements
iii.               To gain generalized insights

-        the teaching act performed at the understanding level is aimed to achieve the following:
1.      Knowledge objective
2.      Understanding objective
i.                 To see
ii.                To comprehend
iii.               To identify
iv.               To seek generalization
v.                To apply

Nature of the Subject Matter and Its Presentation
-        The subject matter for the understanding level teaching is quite structured in terms of planning sequential and organized presentation and meaningful learning.

The Role of the Matter
-        The memory level teaching the teacher plays a quite dominant and authoritarian role at the understanding level of teaching.

The Role of the Learner
-        The learner does not have a passive role here as in the case of memory level teaching.He has to remain active in acquiring the desired understanding of the learned facts.

Nature of Motivation
-        Although purpose is always involved in any understanding level of teaching, yet the nature of the motivation here is largely extrinsic as in the case of memory level teaching.

The Methods Employed
-        The methods employed at the understanding level of teaching, on one hand, they may work as teacher and subject centered and on the other, may help in realizing simultaneously both the knowledge and understanding objectives.

The Testing Devices Used
-        The teaching task carried out at the understanding level requires a more comprehensive evaluation programme than the memory level of teaching which is largely confined to the testing of recall or recognizing ability.

Transfer of Training or Learning
-        Since understanding level of teaching emphasizes on seeing relationship between the facts and acquired generalized insight in the form of generalized rules, and theories, it gives greater scope for the proper transfer of the acquired training or learning from one situation to another.

The Merits of Teaching at Understanding Level
-        The teaching at the understanding level has the following advantages:
1.)    Understanding level teaching helps the students in the acquisition of the facts or information more effectively than the memory level.
2.)    It helps students to learn generalized rules principles or theories built up on the basis of individual facts or special examples.
3.)    Understanding level teaching trains and equips them for acting more intelligently in proceeding on the path of learning.
4.)    Understanding level teaching through the generalized insight equips the student.
5.)    It provides opportunities for organized and systematic teaching and learning, best suited for the existing schools situations of our country.

Demerits and Defects
-        The disadvantages with the understanding level of teaching are as follows:
1.)    The teaching at the understanding level is more or less teacher centered and subject centered rather than being child centered.
2.)    The motivation is largely extrinsic in nature and the student’s ego is hardly involved in such type of teaching.
3.)    The result of such teaching are always judged in terms of the fixed specific responses to highly specific knowledge and skills acquired through mechanized repetition and drillwork or as taught by the teacher in the rigid and controlled teaching-learning situations.

-        The understanding level teaching, performed at more advanced thoughtful modes of operation than the memory level, has many advantages. It provides meaning to what is being taught or learned in a learning situation.

Reflective Level of Teaching
-        Teaching at reflective level represents the highest level of the teaching act that can be carried at the most thoughtful modes  of operation providing the desirable quality of teaching learning situation and experiences to the learner for utilizing and enhancing their cognitive abilities to the maximum.

Meaning and Definition
-        The word reflection stands for the act of reflection(turning back),contemplating or paying serious consideration.
-        Morris L. Bigge : “careful, critical examination of an idea or supposed article of knowledge in the light of the testable evidence which supports it and the further conclusions towards which it points.”

Underlying Psychological Theory and Ideas
-        Reflective level teaching has it roots in the cognitive field theory of learning. This theory also called goal insight theory, opposed the traditional mechanical and meaningless understanding of the facts.

-        The teaching at reflective level may be said to act for the attainment of the following:

1.)    To make use of the learned facts and acquired understanding or insight for learning reflectively.
2.)    To help the learner build up an enlarged store of the tested insight s of generalized character.
3.)    To enhance the learners ability to develop and solve problems at their own initiative.

Nature of the Subject-Matter and its Presentation
-        The subject matter is not presented in the highly structured form as done and understanding levels. It is almost open ended in the form of problem raising and problem solving.

Role of the Teacher
-        At the reflective level of teaching, the teacher does not play a dominant and authoritarian role like in memory or understanding le el teaching.

Merits and Advantages
-        The reflective level of teaching has the following advantages:
1.)    It involves learner centered approach
2.)    The process off teaching-learning act is carried out at a more advanced mode of operation than a memory or understanding level.
3.)    In life, what we mostly need is the proper identification of the felt problems and the way of facing and solving these problems.
4.)    Teaching at reflective level is helpful in making the classroom environment quite democratic, healthy, lively and exciting.
5.)    The outcomes of reflective level teaching automatically involve the fruits of memory and understanding levels of teaching.
6.)    The reflective level teaching, suits the very need of the present-day fast developing age.
7.)    The reflective level teaching makes possible the maximum transfer of learning or training which is otherwise missing at the memory and understanding level.
8.)    Teaching at reflective level have enough flexibility to be employed for the teaching in all subjects.

Demerits and Limitations
-        The reflective level teaching is used to be suffering from the following limitations and defects:
1.)    The teaching situations are organized in a flexible way.
2.)    The freedom and flexibility enjoyed by the students in the unstructured teaching-learning situation may drift students from the learning path.
3.)    Despite the wider claims of its application in the learning of all school subjects at all levels.
4.)    It requires more effort on the part of the teachers.

-        Shortcoming and defects outlined above about the teaching act at the reflective level do not count towards any genuine difficulty in carrying out with the desired degree of success.
-        They learn how to identify and analyze a problem, think about possibilities, discovering proper solution and testify and generalize 
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